Water First… Medicine Second
Reading Time: 5:38 min
“Here, I’m going to write you this prescription for some medicine. Just take it as directed on the label and…

Fertility – A Thing of The Past?
Reading Time: 3:33 min
Computers being used on the lapWe have a problem! And I’m not just talking about the obvious environmental, political, social…

A Receptive Bowel For Good Health
Reading Time: 3:17 min
The human bowel… what an amazing organ for the assimilation of nutrients.When you get down to the nitty-gritty of what…

Activated Liquid Zeolite Benefits
Reading Time: 2:41 min
Remembering it is the cleaning or what is referred to as “activating” the zeolite that helps improve the overall benefits…

What Is Activated Liquid Zeolite
Reading Time: 3:49 min
Why Is Activated Liquid Zeolite Better?Activated Liquid Zeolite is the term used when zeolite (clinoptilolite) has undergone a cleansing process…

WATER… So Child Like
Reading Time: 2:54 min
Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe.Hydrogen is everywhere!You could quite possibly say there would be nothing without…

Messages From A Book
Reading Time: 2:20 min
The Hidden Benefits Of Reading From A BookStand next to a real piano made of wood and strings and feel…

Earthing or Grounding
Reading Time: 4:6 min
Earthing or grounding yourself for better healthIt still brings warmth to my heart…When i remember the first time i consciously experienced earthing…

Green Is The Colour Of Regeneration
Reading Time: 2:59 min
Why green leafy vegetables are so good for youWhy are green foods, in particular green leafy vegetables, the food of…