How Does Liquid Zeolite Work?
Reading Time: 5:34 min
It’s easy to insist upon scientific evidence when it comes to the workings of the human body but one must…

Heavy Metal Test Shows High Levels of Zinc
Reading Time: 4:17 min
I tested my urine with the Heavy Metal Test Kit and the result showed I was high in zinc. Is…

Oral Hygiene & Cleaning Your Tongue
Reading Time: 5:12 min
Can you think of a better way to start the day? Sticking your tongue out and cleaning it with a…

Where Does the Body Store Heavy Metals?
Reading Time: 3:40 min
Most of the people working in the western world are exposed to environmental toxins every day.We breathe it in, soak…

Liquid Zeolite – FAQ’s
Reading Time: 5:21 min
One hundred million years ago, volcanoes rose from the sea, dividing continents, creating mountains and forming much of the land…

Occupational Exposure to Heavy Metals
Reading Time: 3:34 min
Heavy metal exposure in the work place represents a constant health threat not through single large doses, but through constant…

Your Exposure to Mercury
Reading Time: 4:19 min
Mercury exposure and its effectsMercury is a naturally occurring toxin, which is found in soil, rocks, wood, and fuels like…

Your Exposure to Copper & Zinc
Reading Time: 1:26 min
Copper is widely distributed in rocks and soils as carbonate and sulfide minerals.Copper is relatively resistant to corrosion and is…

Your Exposure to Lead & Aluminum
Reading Time: 3:60 min
With the elimination of lead-based house-paint, and the increased use of lead-free gasoline, lead poisoning is certainly less prevalent than…