I drink water and still feel thirsty
How can i still feel thirsty when i drink plenty of water?
This is a very common query we’re asked, and the answer as far as the science and belief go, is…
It’s not the water you “drink”.
It’s the “water” you drink!
And because the benefits that are offered from the water you drink are not readily seen by the naked eye, most of us don’t invest much time investigating what the properties are of the water we drink.
Let alone surface tension.
But if you do believe you drink adequate amounts of water, yet still feel thirsty and dehydrated, then surface tension is something your cells want you to know about.
To give you an idea about how important water surface tension is to your health, let’s have a look at the water that fills a pool designed for diving.
A classic example of surface tension
If you remember when you were young (and older if you’re not a quick learner) and you’ve belly flopped into a pool then you’d have first-hand knowledge what surface tension is all about.
Not that you’d probably equate the feelings your experiencing to “surface tension”.
Because of the pain.
A belly flop can hurt a lot!
If you’ve ever watched high divers dive into a pool, you may have noticed a couple of hoses off to the side delivering a constant stream of water that lands close to where the diver will enter.
This stream of water is not there for the bubbling sound effects or to resemble a cascading water fall.
The purpose of this stream of water is for one thing and one thing only!
To break the waters surface tension!
If not for the “change in the waters surface tension” there would be injuries a plenty at the diving pool.
Broken bones if not death in fact!
It would be like diving into concrete.
The service of silica
If you didn’t know, silica is the most abundant mineral on the planet.
Even if you consume foods that have a high silica content, you can still experience weak nails, brittle hair, non-elastic skin and wonder why.
Because silica in its raw state is not readily absorbed by the body.
Maybe the reason could be found in the stars.
An astrological picture
Nature works by design.
An oak seed doesn’t grow into a pine tree.
An oak seed will grow into an oak tree.
The design of all things is exactly that… by design.
With regard to the salts, all the major 12 cell salts are said to relate to the 12 astrological star signs.
With regard to silica and the 12 star signs, the interesting thing about silica is that silica is said to be the mineral associated with Sagittarius.
The one pointed disciple!
Sagittarius is said to be ruled exoterically by the planet Jupiter.
Now a few of the star signs are said to be exoterically and esoterically ruled by Jupiter, but Sagittarius is the only star sign of the 12 whose esoteric ruler is the Earth.
To make things even more mysterious, Sagittarius and only Sagittarius has the Earth as a ruling planet be that exoterically or esoterically!
No other sign has the Earth as an influencing energy.
And is not the flesh of your body made of the earth?
Remember… everything is by design.
The affinity between the elements
When you consider that silica being the most abundant mineral on the planet, and then consider the affinity that silica has with hydrogen (the most abundant element in the universe), the ability of high silicate water to satisfy the thirst mechanism can readily be seen.
Perhaps it is this high affinity that silica has with hydrogen (water is two parts hydrogen one part oxygen H2O), that produces such a profound impact and effect upon “the surface tension” of the water we drink.
Because when it comes to absorption, you cannot get into soft by using hard.
To get into soft you require soft.
And it is in soft where the cells of your body live.
The water membrane of the cell is soft.
It has a low surface tension.
Tap water, bottled water on the other hand, is a lot harder than the water that surrounds the cell.
So unless you’re drinking water that is sourced from a supply that has a high silicate mineral content, introducing nano-particle silica into the water you hydrate your body could well be the next best thing.
Dr. Patrick Flanagan
Dr. Patrick Flanagan discovered this silica/water relationship many years ago when he first created Crystal Energy.
When he then recognised the affinity between silica and hydrogen, from there he introduced the world to the antioxidant rich hydrogen-ion supplement called MegaHydrate.

Experience the difference adding MegaHydrate or Crystal Energy to the water you drink today.