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What Are Free Radicals?

Reading Time: 3:19 min

Free radicals are unstable molecules created by poor diet, stress, pesticides, pollution, electronic devices and, even naturally, by the normal…

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Thinking Vitality – Think C.O.W.S.

Reading Time: 9:22 min

There is an old esoteric adage that state’s, “Through physical crisis comes the awakening of the soul”.With that in mind, there…

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Medicine Foods – Fruit

Reading Time: 6:50 min

Fruit has long been known for its curative properties and is one of the best sources of hydrogen-rich water that…

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Medicine Foods – Vegetables

Reading Time: 5:48 min

Without a doubt, it is the vegetable that rules. For the blood there is the leafy greens and for the…

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Medicine Foods

Reading Time: 6:40 min

Welcome to the most wondrous kingdom of kingdoms. Bountiful are the rewards given, to those of us who are willing…

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The Master Game

Reading Time: 3:3 min

Every now and then you find something from the archives that lifts the spirit and stirs the soul. This bit…

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An A to Z of Vitamins and Minerals

Reading Time: 12:55 min

With today’s multitude of capsules and pills available for our pill-popping society, the old knowledge of “nutrition from the garden”…

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Epsom Salt Baths – Why take them?

Reading Time: 16:19 min

Epsom Salt Baths & Why They’re AwesomeWhen you start to realise the power that sulphur or more to the point,…

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Healing the Knee

Reading Time: 1:48 min

Heal & Restore Knee Mobility With Pat CashOne of the most common injuries many of us experience at some time…

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