The Best of Times – A Balancing Act
Reading Time: 3:2 min
Using your time wiselyHow many of us truly give ourselves the best of what time can offer?Especially considering our time…
Bringing Peace to Pain Unlocks the Door
Reading Time: 3:49 min
How To Walk With Peace & Reduce PainCall it Karma, the Law of Cause and Effect (maybe a whole lot…
To Give Or To Get
Reading Time: 5:31 min
The Giving and the GettingMost of us would agree there’s a big difference between giving and getting.But what if the…
Vitamin C Powder – Yes or No?
Reading Time: 2:30 min
Can Vitamin C be detrimental to your health?It’s often made me shudder a little bit when i see people mixing…
UltraStream Water Filter – Measuring pH & ORP
Reading Time: 1:49 min
Alkaline water is water that has a higher concentration of the alkaline buffers (magnesium, sodium, potassium & calcium) than acidic…
UltraStream Water Filter – Set Up Instructions
Reading Time: 2:1 min
One of the great benefits of the UltraStream water filter (apart from great tasting, alkaline, ionised toxin free water) is…
How to Improve Your Digestion
Reading Time: 3:50 min
Digestion… When you see how digestion is governed by your digestive saliva’s, actions to improve your digestion become clear!The digestive…
Thieves Oil – A Healthy Oil Blend
Reading Time: 4:38 min
Young Living Thieves oilThieves oil is one of those rare gems that you come across every now and then.For over…
How to Test Your pH Levels
Reading Time: 6:12 min
Good health begins with an alkaline pH terrain. See how easy it is to test your body’s pH levels.