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Vitamin C Powder – Yes or No?

Reading Time: 2:30 min

Can Vitamin C be detrimental to your health?It’s often made me shudder a little bit when i see people mixing…

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UltraStream Water Filter – Measuring pH & ORP

Reading Time: 1:49 min

Alkaline water is water that has a higher concentration of the alkaline buffers (magnesium, sodium, potassium & calcium) than acidic…

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UltraStream Water Filter – Set Up Instructions

Reading Time: 2:1 min

One of the great benefits of the UltraStream water filter (apart from great tasting, alkaline, ionised toxin free water) is…

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How to Improve Your Digestion

Reading Time: 3:50 min

Digestion… When you see how digestion is governed by your digestive saliva’s, actions to improve your digestion become clear!The digestive…

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Thieves Oil – A Healthy Oil Blend

Reading Time: 4:38 min

Young Living Thieves oilThieves oil is one of those rare gems that you come across every now and then.For over…

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How to Test Your pH Levels

Reading Time: 6:3 min

Good health begins with an alkaline pH terrain. See how easy it is to test your body’s pH levels.

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Magnesium for Internal & External Use

Reading Time: 3:43 min

Magnesium deficiencies and your healthMagnesium deficiencies and the ill effects of these deficiencies can be many and varied.From small niggling…

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How to Use your Heavy Metal Test Kit

Reading Time: 3:10 min

Heavy Metal Test Kits are a useful diagnostic toolIf you are investigating possible causes, contributors, reasons for the presence of…

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How to Use Your pH Test Strips

Reading Time: 1:41 min

pH test strips are an easy way of testing the pH values of a wide variety of liquids in the…

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