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Kangen Electronic Ionisers V’s the UltraStream


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UltraStream v Kangen

Why choose an UltraStream and not a Kangen electronic ioniser that can cost upward of $5000AUD.

It was around the year 2008 and there was no other choice available to achieve hydrogen rich water other than the electronic water ionisers.

With the UltraStream being powered so to speak simply by the pressure of water, the recent electrical outages we were experiencing quickly became a problem of the past.

With both the UltraStream and the electronic ioniser using activated charcoal as a filter medium, the water from the tap from both units became a lot more pleasing to the palate with the chlorine taste eliminated from the filtered water.

The electronic ioniser did what i considered a great job even if it didn’t remove the fluoride and if there was no electricity, there was no filtered water.

What it did do was alkalise the water to around 8.5pH and changed the tap water ORP (Oxidisation Reduction Potential) from +150 milli amps (mA) to a minus reading of around -450mA.

Basically it was oxidant water coming in and anti-oxidant water coming out.

A price comparison

A brand new electric ioniser, with the middle of the market price range just touching the top end is around $2600AUD.

Remember you still have to replace the filters at least once a year as water is the most valuable and necessary form of nutrient your body requires.

The cost of the replacement filters is around $120AUD and upward per filter.

Over a five year period (to have alkaline, ionised water) the cost including the initial purchase of the machine ($2600) plus $120 x 5 ($600) is $3200.

Keep in mind the ionising plates are still deteriorating every time you use the electronic ioniser.

Lets say i get an UltraStream which in the year 2015 had a retail price of $649AUD.

So lets round it up to $650.

The replacement filters in the year 2015 cost RRP $249.

If i replace my filters once a year for five years the overall cost of the UltraStream to me in replacement filters is $1250AUD plus the initial purchase of the UltraStream $650, leaving me a cost of $1900AUD.

From the electric ioniser scenario of $3200, not only have i saved $1300AUD compared to the electronic ioniser, every time i replace my filter i have a brand new water ioniser.

Plus the UltraStream removes fluoride, heavy metals, bacteria’s, chloromines, the list goes on and the need to send a broken unit to the workshop to be fixed will never come up.

And best of all, it’s far better tasting water than i ever received from any electronic ioniser. WINNER!!!

Unwanted additives to the water

Residing in Australia where the temperature of the water supply does increase in temperature, the water suppliers add a fair bit of chlorine to minimise bacterial growth and calcium to maintain water pH.

The downside side of that is the water ioniser or more to the point the solenoid fitted in electronic water ionisers, don’t like calcium.

The calcium builds up on the electrolysis plates as well as in the solenoid.

The end result is the calcium sticks to the electrolysis plates calcifying them thus minimising the electrolysis. When calcium builds up in the solenoid and stops the flow of water coming out from the ioniser.

So then its into the repair shop so the solenoid can be replaced and a costly in both time and money cycle begins as the calcium in the supply water continues to calcify the system.

A new player enters the field

To change the game for the better, in 2014, the first of the real-player non-electric ionisers called the UltraStream was released by an Australian based company called AlkaWay.

The brain child of the man named Ian Hamilton, instead of using platinum/titanium plates energised with electricity to ionise the water, the UltraStream use ceramic magnets, tourmaline and o-dobi beads to charge, sweeten and soften the water.  

Ceramic magnets stabilise the pH and hydrogen by creating a strong magnetic field that is positioned after the O-Dobi to maintain its effect.Tourmaline is a gem, considered semiprecious with the unique ability to soften water and impart far infra red energy. It’s been used in electric ionisers for many years to sweeten and soften the water coming out.O-Dobi is a ceramic encasing pure magnesium and calcium. It slowly releases these elements to alkalise and to infuse the water with hydrogen gas. Tested to show 3x the hydrogen delivery of a $4000 electric ioniser.

So now we have a system that creates anti-oxidant water without the use of electricity.

Another reason for non-electric

The downer about the electric systems is the platinum/titanium plates used for the ionisation process deteriorates as with any electrical ionisation.

The truth is that after 5 or so years of use, the electronic ionisers don’t do what they first used to do when they was brand new.

The plates as soon as a charge goes through them start to pit.

They start pitting from the very first time the unit is used and continually attract calcium deposits thereby further minimising ionisation.

This is the beauty of the UltraStream!

You see every time you replace the filter, you have a brand new ioniser!!!

The ionisation process returns to maximum with every filter change.

And cost wise its a ripper.

Related articles

Tourmaline – Natures Source Of Far Infrared (FIR) and Negative Ions

Ultrastream Water Filter Set Up Instructions

What Is Ionised Water?

Why Should I Test The pH Of My Water  

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