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Green Is The Colour Of Regeneration

Reading Time: 2:59 min

Why green leafy vegetables are so good for youWhy are green foods, in particular green leafy vegetables, the food of…

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Vitamin C Powder – Yes or No?

Reading Time: 2:30 min

Can Vitamin C be detrimental to your health?It’s often made me shudder a little bit when i see people mixing…

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How to Improve Your Digestion

Reading Time: 3:50 min

Digestion… When you see how digestion is governed by your digestive saliva’s, actions to improve your digestion become clear!The digestive…

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Magnesium for Internal & External Use

Reading Time: 3:43 min

Magnesium deficiencies and your healthMagnesium deficiencies and the ill effects of these deficiencies can be many and varied.From small niggling…

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How to Test Sushi Rice pH

Reading Time: 2:44 min

Sushi rice pH levels are achieved by adding vinegar to cooked rice to get a pH of around 4.6 or…

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Regenerate with Iodine, Selenium and Magnesium

Reading Time: 5:19 min

Iodine, Selenium & MagnesiumWith so many published scientific studies confirming the long list of health benefits the elements iodine, selenium and magnesium provide, it’s no…

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Colloidal Gold for improved mental health

Reading Time: 2:30 min

Introducing colloidal gold into your life may help alleviate a wide array of health conditions in both humans and animals as numerous…

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