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The simple use of ones own urine


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“In February 1996 the First World Conference on Urine Therapy took place in India (in May 1999 the second world conference took place in Germany).

The fact that a number of allopathic doctors also visited these conferences shows that this remarkable and sometimes despised therapy, which for a long time was almost forgotten, is coming back to the forefront. And rightly so.

Urine therapy is very effective, and it is always available and quite inexpensive, to say the least, which is absolutely wonderful in a world which sees itself confronted with increasing health obstacles as well as prohibitive financial expenditures.

But what is this urine therapy?

Coen van der Kroon covers almost all questions concerning urine therapy and its history in his book The Golden Fountain; The Complete Guide to Urine Therapy. (The book recently appeared at Amethyst Books/Gateway Books; ISBN 0-944256-73-2).

In the following article, connections of urine therapy with the yoga & medical traditions are explored in order to evaluate the spiritual and medicinal benefits of this time old tradition.

What is urine therapy? How does it work?

Urine therapy means using (your own) urine externally or internally as a way to promote or maintain your health.

The first question that probably comes to mind is whether urine is not a toxic substance and how a toxic waste product could ever be of any benefit for your health.

Well, urine is NOT a toxic waste product and this has been scientifically proven.

95% of urine is water, 2.5% consists of urea and the remaining 2.5% is a mixture of minerals, salt, hormones and enzymes.

Toxic substances are being removed from the body through the liver and intestines, through the skin and through the outbreath.

The main function of the kidneys is to keep the composition of the blood in optimal balance. When there is to much water, the kidneys will remove it. But that doesn’t make water into a toxic waste product.

Only the substance urea can be poisonous when present in very large amounts in the blood. However, this is irrelevant in the practice of drinking urine, as urine is not immediately put back in the bloodstream.

In the small amounts urea gets back into the body, it is purifying, clears up excess mucus and has a number of specific, very useful effects.

Moreover, it has a wonderful healing and tonifying effect when applied to the skin.

You can find urea in many skin products as one of the main components- specifically in many woman cosmetics.

Furthermore, urine is entirely sterile after secretion and has an antiseptic effect.

We are talking here about urine from the point of view of somebody who follows a reasonably healthy diet, and who does not use chemical drugs or allopathic medicines.

Urine therapy is a method based upon the principle of ‘natural cycles’.

As long as we do not interfere chemically with the body’s natural cycle, the body produces urine which is perfectly suitable for re-cycling.

If you ingest a great deal of chemical substances – and these days all kinds of processed food contain chemicals – part of this will end up in the urine, in which case the composition of the urine changes.

Normally, however, urine is a healthy substance which contains healthy, harmless and nourishing components.

Some natural cycles take place more quickly than others, but the cycle in general is the foundation of all life.

If we let nature run her course, there will be no waste, and a disturbed equilibrium will always come back into balance.

Just as we are capable of disturbing a natural equilibrium, we can also do our part in helping nature recover her balance.

In order to support such a recovering of balance, we are equipped with a wonderful, natural ‘house pharmacy’: our own urine provides us with a swift and safe method for using the powers of the natural cycle.

What exactly are the effects of urine therapy?

Briefly, if urine is ingested and/or rubbed into the skin, it purifies blood and tissues, provides useful nutrients and sends the body a signal about what is in or out of balance.

This last effect is called (oral) auto-immunisation.

This brings us to a last important feature of urine.

Urine itself is, as said, not a toxic waste product.

It does contain however minute particles connected with possible disease processes in the body.

These minute particles are mainly antibodies, which upon re-ingesting can help the body to react on specific pathological situations.

Urine therapy has proven helpful in a great number of various diseases, ranging from a simple cold and a throat-ache, to tuberculosis and asthma, from minor skin problems such as itching, to more serious skin diseases such as eczema, psoriasis and even skin cancer.

How to apply urine therapy?

Internal application

  • Drinking – Morning urine is best. Take the middle stream. You can start with a few drops, building up to one glass a day. Good as a tonic, as a preventative and in minor illnesses.
  • Fasting – Drink all the urine you pass, except for the evenings, otherwise you won’t get any sleep. You can also take some extra water. The urine will quickly change its taste into almost neutral. Fasting on urine and water cleanses the blood. Toxins are removed through liver, skin and outbreath.
  • Gargle – Gargling with urine works wonders when having a throat-ache. Also good for toothache and generally when having a cold.
  • Enemas – Urine colonemas and enemas work very well in cleansing the colon and in providing a direct immune stimulant.
  • Vaginal douche – Helpful in e.g. yeast problems, white discharge, etc..
  • Ear and eyedrops – Ear infections; conjunctivitis, glaucoma. For the eyes, dilute the urine with some water.
  • Sniffing urine/Neti – Sinusitis and other nose problems. Very good preventative for colds and to clean the subtle channels in the head.

External application

  • Massaging/Rubbing – You can use either fresh or old urine. Old urine (4 to 8 days) is generally more effective, but it has a strong to very strong smell. Massaging the whole body is a very important complementary treatment when fasting. It nourishes the body through the skin and helps against increased heartbeat. You can leave the urine on or wash it off after an hour or so, just with water or with a mild, natural soap. Fresh urine as an after shave gives you a beautiful soft skin. But it is also very helpful and healing in all kind of skin problems: itching, sunburns, eczema, psoriasis, acne, etc..
  • Rubbing – Gentle rubbing of urine into acupressure points (e.g. on the ears) – very useful when reactions are otherwise too strong, e.g. with very heavy allergic reaction.
  • Footbaths – Any skin and nail problems of the feet (athletes foot, ringworm, etc.)
  • Compress – When rubbing is not appropriate, this is another way of applying urine on the skin.
  • Hair and scalp massage – Renders the hair soft and clean. Sometimes stimulates new hair growth.

Related articles and more details

Medical Research into Urine Therapy

Urine therapy – Traditional Use in East & West

Precautions In The Use Of Urine Therapy

Transmutation and the Healer Within

Complete Guide to Urine Therapy

Water First Medicine Second

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