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Medical Research into Urine Therapy


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Urine therapy has been well studied with the results undeniable though many would consider “unacceptable”.
The problem lies not in the cure but the thought process holding onto the a belief that separates one from the whole.
The following are the average quantities of the various substances in 100 millilitres of urine as reported in ‘Introduction to Biochemistry’ by Dr. Pharon:
1. Urea nitrogen682.00
2. Urea1459.00
3. Creatinin nitrogen36.00
4. Creatinin97.20
5. Uric acid nitrogen12.30
6. Uric acid36.90
7. Amino nitrogen9.70
8. Ammonia nitrogen57.00
9. Sodium212.00
10. Potassium137.00
11. Calcium19.50
12. Magnesium11.30
13. Chloride314.00
14. Total sulphate91.00
15. Inorganic sulphate83.00
16. Inorganic phosphate127.00
17. N/10 acid27.80

Some other important constituents of urine are as follows:

  • Enzymes
  • Amylase (diastase)
  • Lactic dehydrogenate (L. D. H.)
  • Leucine amino-peptidase (L. A. P.)
  • Urokinase. Hormones
  • Catechol amines
  • Hydroxy-steroids
  • 17-Catosteroids
  • Erythropoietine
  • Adenylate cyclase
  • Prostaglandin’s
  • Sex hormones


  • Copper
  • Urobilinogen

There is a strong possibility of there being several other beneficial substances not yet know to science, in addition to the above substances, present in urine.


Urokinase, an enzyme present in urine, prevents the formation of blood clots in the blood vessels, and is even capable of dissolving clots already formed.

When such blood clots obstruct the flow of blood in the blood vessels of the heart a heart attack may be precipitated.

Dr. Mezel of the Edgewater Hospital of Chicago, IL USA, injects urokinase into the bodies of victims of heart attacks thus aborting the attack and saving the life of the patient.

Dr. Salaria, an eminent surgeon of Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India, too makes it a practice to give an injection of the patients own urine before undertaking surgery so as to forestall any risk of overburdening or harming the heart during or after the operation.


The hormone erythropoietine, one of the substances usually present in urine, stimulates the bone marrow to increase the rate of production of erythrocytes (red blood corpuscles).

This is the reason why a patient of anaemia derives substantial benefit from auto-urine therapy.

Adenylate cyclase

Another hormone present in urine, adenylate cyclase, co-ordinates the actions of all hormones in the body through the production of a substance known as cyclic A. M. P.. Prostaglandin is a hormone that is essential for the contraction of the muscles of the uterus.

Many scientists are of the opinion that this hormone can act as a contraceptive.

Urine contains sex hormones, insulin and growth hormones as well.

Methyl glyoxal

The Nobel Laureate Albert Sczent Georgyi has carried out a number of experiments testing the effect of methyl glyoxal, a constituent of urine, on cancer patients, and has had considerable success in several cases.

In addition to the above, one must not lose sight of the high probability of the presence of urine in many substances which are as yet unknown to science.

All the beneficial substances are present in urine in very finely divided and highly potentised forms.

As a result they are quickly absorbed from the stomach and the intestines within a short time following the imbibing of urine. And despite the extremely small quantities in which they are present in the urine, they have been found to be of great benefits to the body.

Dr. Dharmadhikari of Pune in Maharashtra state, India, has tried auto urine therapy on more than 200 patients, and has carried out scientific investigations related to this therapy.

Here are the conclusions he has arrived at as a result of these researches:

  • The body begins to absorb more oxygen from the atmosphere after the commencement of auto-urine therapy, and the metabolic reactions are speeded up. The results of a large number of experiments support this conclusion
  • The commencement of auto-urine therapy is invariably followed by a slow but definite increase in the number of red blood corpuscles in and the haemoglobin content of the blood. Dr. Dharmadhikari believes that these changes in body functions play a very important part in curing disorders.

In the book ‘Yoga’ published by the Bihar School of Yoga, Monghyr, a knowledgeable and learned doctor has ascribed the efficacy of urine to the following reasons:

  • Urine supplements the essential nutrients and makes up the deficiency of any nutrient in the body.
  • Urine contains highly active enzymes, that have a salutary effect on al the physiological reaction taking place in the body
  • Urine contains valuable salts necessary for the body. (The well-known and widely prevalent ‘Biochemic’ therapeutic system uses just twelve salts to cure any and every disease).
  • The hormones contained in urine are of great benefit to the body.
  • Urine possesses bactericidal properties. It therefore destroys the disease-causing bacteria in the body, especially those infesting the digestive tract.
  • The substances present in the urine augment and sharpen the body’s natural powers of resistance to disease.
  • The substance called ‘urea’ present in urine is a diuretic and increases the efficiency of the kidneys.
  • Urine is a tonic that strengthens the body, and an ‘elixir’ the confers longevity.


Ayurveda and other ancient works on medicinal science have accorded their approval to the drinking of urine as a therapeutic measure.

Ayurveda regards urine as an effective antidote against the harmful confluence of excesses of the three humours.

It is believed by some researchers that urine acts like a vaccine, promoting the generation of antibodies that fight and over the agencies that cause disorders, thus resisting and curing diseases.

Related articles

Urine therapy – Traditional Use in East & West

The Simple Use of Ones Own Urine

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Disclaimer: All information on this web site is for informational purposes only. Under no circumstance is any product on this site intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or condition. Please contact a medical doctor to diagnose and treat any medical condition.

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