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Dr. Stewart Lonky – How to Become People-Green Tour

Reading Time: 2:30 min

Invisible Killers: The medical complications of toxic exposures and how to become “body-green tour”.Dr Stewart Lonky’s presentation was recorded live…

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What Is Zeolite?

Reading Time: 2:49 min

Zeolites are literally volcanic minerals with a unique, complex crystalline structure.Zeolites honeycomb framework of cavities and channels act like cages,…

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Zeolites and Radiation

Reading Time: 2:11 min

Minimising radiation issues using zeoliteOne of the most immediate concerns in a nuclear emergency is the release of radioactive iodine-131,…

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What Is Iodine?

Reading Time: 6:48 min

What Is Iodine & Why Iodine Is Good For HealthIodine is the simplest most powerful antioxidant you could possibly find! …

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How to Make A Green Juice

Reading Time: 4:10 min

If you’re feeling confused about how to start re-building your health and body, start by listening to the advice a…

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Food Allergies – A Different Perspective

Reading Time: 3:60 min

What is it with the ever-growing epidemic so many of us experience in the form of food allergies?The more people…

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Water First… Medicine Second

Reading Time: 5:38 min

“Here, I’m going to write you this prescription for some medicine. Just take it as directed on the label and…

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Fertility – A Thing of The Past?

Reading Time: 3:33 min

Computers being used on the lapWe have a problem! And I’m not just talking about the obvious environmental, political, social…

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Free Your Body – It’s Sauna Time

Reading Time: 4:10 min

From crystalisation to the return of mobility, one of the most beneficial tools at our disposal for regeneration uses the…

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