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MegaHydrate ORP Test Over 6 Hours

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Measuring the ORP of MegaHydrate over 6 Hours

We’ve been distributing the PhiScience’s Dr. Patrick Flanagan’s, MegaHydrate for well and truly over 15 years.

And one of the questions that we’ve received over those years is how long does the antioxidant properties of the hydrogen ions last once it’s been added to the water?

As we had never measured what the ORP (the oxidisation reduction potential) of the water would be capable of maintaining over considerable hours, we turned the camera on to find out.

The Experiment Setup

To bring some light to these questions, a practical experiment was conducted using demineralised water—essentially distilled and acidic water with a pH indicating a lack of free hydrogen ions.

The initial oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) measurement showed a positive value, indicating no antioxidant properties.

Measuring Initial ORP

The first measurement of straight demineralised water recorded an ORP of approximately +133 mV.

This figure again signifies the absence of free hydrogen ions in the water, which are crucial for antioxidant activity.

To begin, one MegaHydrate capsule was first introduced into the water, followed by a second capsule after measuring the first change.

Observing the Effects of One and Two Capsules

After stirring the first capsule into the water, the ORP dropped dramatically to -483 mV.

When a second capsule was added, the ORP decreased further, reaching -500 mV.

This suggests that both one and two capsules significantly contribute to the antioxidant potential of the water; however, the increase was not dramatic enough to warrant taking two capsules simultaneously.

Time-Lapsed ORP Measurements

One Hour Later

After one hour, the ORP was measured again.

Surprisingly, the value had increased to -750 mV, indicating that the hydrogen ions continued to react positively over time.

This outcome suggests that the antioxidant properties of MegaHydrate do not simply dissipate but rather strengthen when given time to interact with the water molecules.

Two Hours Later

At the two-hour mark, the ORP had further increased, stabilising at around -774 mV.

The results indicated that the antioxidant potential remains potent even after prolonged exposure.

Advancing to Five Hours

Five hours into the experiment, the ORP reached an impressive -850 mV.

It became clear that MegaHydrate maintains, and even grows, its antioxidant potential over time.

Notably, the amount of visible bubbling in the water had decreased, yet the antioxidant strength continued to rise.

Final Measurement and Conclusion

After nearly seven hours, the ORP was recorded at -880 mV.

This significant reduction showcases the powerful and lasting antioxidant properties of MegaHydrate, which started from an initial +133 mV.

The findings confirm that MegaHydrate is an effective supplement for enhancing the antioxidant capacity of water.

Users can confidently incorporate it into their hydration routine, whether for workouts, daily hydration, or overall wellness.

For those with inquiries about incorporating MegaHydrate into their regimen, reaching out for assistance is encouraged.

The potential benefits of this product can greatly enhance hydration and overall health.

Even we were surprised!

As the readings show, whether you’re working out, you’re going for a walk or you’re at the gym, whatever you’re doing, when you want that readily powerful antioxidant presence in the water supply that you’re drinking and feeding your body with, think no further than MegaHydrate.

Megahydrate Capsules

Experience the difference.

Add MegaHydrate to the water you drink today.

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