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Unveiling the Antioxidant Power of Percy’s Powder

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Unveiling the Antioxidant Power of Percy’s Powder

Percy’s Powder has been a popular health supplement for many decades.

Being a mineral supplement in a predominately sulfate form, this blog post explores the unseen antioxidant properties that Percy’s Powder offers to transform the fluids that Percy’s Powder is added to from oxidant to anti-oxidant.

Understanding Oxidation and Antioxidants

Oxidation refers to a chemical reaction that can produce free radicals, which may lead to cell damage.

Antioxidants are substances that help neutralise these free radicals, promoting better health.

The balance between oxidants and antioxidants is crucial for maintaining bodily functions and preventing diseases.

The Role of ORP in Measuring Antioxidant Potential

An important tool in assessing the antioxidant capacity of fluids is the Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP) meter.

This device measures the potential of a substance to either gain or lose electrons, thereby indicating its oxidising or reducing properties.

A positive ORP value signifies oxidative potential, while a negative value indicates antioxidant potential.

Experimenting with Percy’s Powder

In a practical demonstration, distilled water was tested for its ORP before and after the introduction of Percy’s Powder.

Initially, the distilled water exhibited an ORP of +148 mV, indicating its oxidative nature.

This result was expected due to both the lack of alkaline buffers (minerals) and free negatively charged hydrogen ions (H) in the distilled water.

The next step involved adding Percy’s Powder to the distilled water.

After thorough mixing with a non-metallic utensil to avoid contamination or negating the loss of antioxidant potential (due to the conductivity of metal), the ORP meters probe was inserted into the solution.

Remarkably, the ORP shifted to -180 mV, indicating that the water had transitioned from an oxidative state to a negative value anti-oxidative state.

Results and Implications

The experiment revealed a significant drop in ORP, demonstrating a potential improvement of over -320 mV in antioxidant capacity after the addition of Percy’s Powder.

This indicates that Percy’s Powder is not merely a sulfur-rich nutritional supplement; it possesses intrinsic antioxidant properties that can positively impact health.


The findings from the experiment highlight the unique qualities of Percy’s Powder, particularly its ability to enhance the antioxidant potential of fluids.

Incorporating Percy’s Powder into your health regimen may offer substantial benefits, contributing to a more balanced oxidative environment in the body.

For those interested in elevating their health through natural means, Percy’s Powder presents a compelling option worth considering.

Percys Powder Box

To learn more click here or on the image above.

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